Email Deliverability Monitoring - Tips for best email delivery rates

July 12, 2023
Email Deliverability Monitoring - Tips for best email delivery rates

Email marketing continues to be a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their customers, drive engagement, and boost sales. However, even the most well-crafted emails can fall flat if they don't reach their intended recipients. This is where email deliverability comes into play – the art and science of ensuring that your emails successfully land in your subscribers' inboxes. In this article, we will explore the essential strategies and techniques for monitoring email deliverability to achieve the best email delivery rates.

Imagine putting countless hours into crafting a compelling email campaign, meticulously designing each element, and perfecting the copy to resonate with your audience. You hit the send button, filled with anticipation, only to find that a significant portion of your emails never reached the intended inboxes. Frustrating, right? That's where the critical aspect of email deliverability monitoring comes in.

Email deliverability refers to the ability of your emails to successfully reach the recipients' inboxes rather than being lost in the vast expanse of spam folders or blocked by filters. It's a complex and ever-evolving landscape influenced by a variety of factors that determine whether your emails will make it to their destination or get lost in the digital ether.

Poor email delivery rates can have a detrimental impact on your marketing efforts. Your carefully crafted messages may never be seen, resulting in missed opportunities, decreased engagement, and ultimately, a significant dent in your ROI. That's why it's crucial to proactively monitor and optimize your email deliverability to ensure that your messages reach the right people at the right time.

In the following sections, we will delve into the fundamentals of email deliverability, exploring the key factors that influence it and the best practices for monitoring and improving your email delivery rates. By implementing these strategies, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate the intricacies of email deliverability, maximize your inbox placement, and reap the rewards of successful email marketing campaigns.

Understanding email deliverability

Email deliverability refers to the ability of an email to successfully land in a recipient's inbox without being filtered into spam or bounced back as undeliverable. It is the culmination of various technical and engagement factors that determine the fate of your emails.

Factors influencing email deliverability

Several critical factors influence email deliverability. Understanding these factors is essential to proactively manage and optimize your email campaigns for better delivery rates.

Sender’s reputation

Your sender’s reputation plays a pivotal role in email deliverability. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and email service providers (ESPs) assess your reputation to determine whether your emails are legitimate and should be delivered to recipients' inboxes. Factors that contribute to your sender’s reputation include email engagement, complaint rates, bounce rates, and spam trap hits. Maintaining a positive sender reputation is crucial for ensuring your emails make it past the filters and reach your audience.

Email authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC)

Email authentication protocols are mechanisms that establish your credibility as a sender and protect against email spoofing and phishing attempts. They include Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC). Implementing these protocols correctly helps ISPs and ESPs verify your emails, improving their chances of reaching the inbox.

Content quality and engagement

The quality of your email content and its level of engagement with recipients are crucial factors in email deliverability. ISPs assess factors such as subject lines, email copy, formatting, and overall engagement metrics like open rates and click-through rates (CTR). Sending relevant, valuable, and engaging content to your subscribers increases the likelihood of your emails being delivered to the inbox.

Subscriber behavior and list hygiene

Recipient behavior and list hygiene have a significant impact on email deliverability. ISPs monitor how subscribers interact with your emails, including opening, deleting, marking as spam, or ignoring them. Additionally, maintaining a clean and up-to-date email list by regularly removing inactive or unengaged subscribers helps improve your deliverability rates.

By understanding these factors and how they influence email deliverability, you can take proactive steps to optimize your campaigns and ensure that your emails reach the intended recipients' inboxes. In the next section, we will explore the best practices for effective email deliverability monitoring to help you achieve the highest email delivery rates possible.

Best practices for email deliverability monitoring

Here are the tips for the best email delivery rates:

1. Regularly monitor your email deliverability metrics

To maintain optimal email deliverability, it's crucial to monitor key metrics that provide insights into the health of your email campaigns. Keep a close eye on the following metrics and analyze them regularly:

Open rates: Measure the percentage of recipients who open your emails. Low open rates may indicate deliverability issues or unengaging content.

Click-through rates (CTR): Track the percentage of recipients who click on links within your emails. A low CTR could indicate problems with deliverability or ineffective call-to-actions.

Bounce rates: Monitor the rate at which your emails bounce back as undeliverable. High bounce rates can harm your sender’s reputation and deliverability.

Spam complaints: Keep track of the number of recipients who mark your emails as spam. A high volume of spam complaints negatively impacts your deliverability.

Unsubscribe rates: Monitor how many subscribers opt out of your emails. Excessive unsubscribes may signal deliverability or content-related issues.

2. Implement email authentication protocols

Ensure that you have implemented essential email authentication protocols to establish your sender’s legitimacy and enhance deliverability:

Sender Policy Framework (SPF): Configure SPF records to specify the authorized email servers allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM): Set up DKIM to add a digital signature to your emails, enabling ISPs to verify the authenticity of your messages.

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC): Implement DMARC to specify how ISPs should handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks, protecting your domain reputation.

3. Maintain a healthy sender reputation

Your sender’s reputation is vital for email deliverability. Implement these practices to maintain a positive reputation:

Use reputable email service providers (ESPs): Choose a trusted ESP that prioritizes deliverability and provides robust infrastructure and support.

Build a quality subscriber list: Focus on organic list growth and ensure that subscribers have opted in to receive your emails. Avoid purchasing or renting lists, as they often contain outdated or unengaged addresses.

Manage bounces and unsubscribes promptly: Remove bounced email addresses and unsubscribe requests from your list promptly to maintain list hygiene.

Avoid spam traps and inactive email addresses: Regularly clean your list to remove inactive or dormant email addresses and avoid hitting spam traps, which are email addresses specifically created to identify spammers.

4. Optimize email content and engagement

Engaging content is key to better deliverability. Follow these strategies:

Personalize emails and use compelling subject lines: Tailor your emails to individual recipients and craft subject lines that pique their interest and encourage opening.

Segment your email list for targeted campaigns: Divide your subscriber base into segments based on demographics, behavior, or preferences. Send relevant content to each segment to improve engagement.

Avoid triggering spam filters: Craft emails that are free from spam triggers such as excessive use of exclamation marks, all caps, or misleading subject lines. Monitor your content to ensure it aligns with best practices.

Encourage subscribers to whitelist your email address: Include instructions on how recipients can add your email address to their safe sender or whitelist, helping ensure your messages bypass spam filters.

5. Monitor and address deliverability issues promptly

Stay vigilant and address deliverability issues proactively:

Investigate sudden drops in email deliverability: If you notice a significant decline in open rates or increased bounces, investigate the cause immediately to rectify any issues.

Regularly check blacklists and spam filters: Monitor popular blacklists to ensure your domain or IP address hasn't been flagged. Test your emails through spam filter checkers to dentify potential deliverability issues before sending them out.

Monitor email deliverability analytics and trends: Utilize email deliverability monitoring tools to track and analyze your deliverability performance over time. Look for patterns, trends, or anomalies that may indicate underlying problems and take appropriate action.

By following these best practices for email deliverability monitoring, you can proactively manage and optimize your email campaigns to achieve the best possible delivery rates. In the next section, we will explore the tools and services available to assist you in monitoring and improving your email deliverability.

Tools and services for email deliverability monitoring

To effectively monitor and improve your email deliverability, various tools, and services are available. These resources can provide valuable insights and assistance in managing your email campaigns:

  1. Email deliverability monitoring tools
  2. Deliverability consulting services
  3. Email deliverability testing platforms

Email deliverability monitoring tools

These tools offer comprehensive analytics and reporting on key deliverability metrics, allowing you to track performance and identify potential issues. Examples include Return Path, 250ok, and SendForensics.

Deliverability consulting services

If you require expert guidance and support in optimizing your email deliverability, consider engaging with deliverability consulting services. These professionals can analyze your email program, provide recommendations, and assist in resolving deliverability challenges.

Email deliverability testing platforms


Testing platforms help you preview and test your emails across multiple email clients and devices. This allows you to ensure optimal rendering and identify any potential deliverability issues.

By leveraging these tools and services, you can gain deeper insights into your email deliverability, make data-driven decisions, and take proactive measures to enhance your delivery rates.

Email deliverability monitoring is a critical aspect of running successful email marketing campaigns. By understanding the factors that influence deliverability and implementing best practices, you can ensure that your emails reach the intended recipients' inboxes, driving engagement and achieving your marketing goals.

Regularly monitoring key deliverability metrics, implementing email authentication protocols, maintaining a healthy sender reputation, optimizing content and engagement, and promptly addressing deliverability issues are essential steps in maximizing your email delivery rates.

Remember, email deliverability is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Stay vigilant, adapt to changing email industry standards, and utilize the available tools and services to continually monitor, optimize, and maintain high deliverability rates.

By prioritizing email deliverability monitoring and implementing the tips outlined in this article, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of email deliverability and achieve the best possible delivery rates for your email marketing campaigns.

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Naturally, they wanted to make sure their email sending infrastructure was set up correctly to protect their reputation and successfully reach their recipients. Our deliverability team worked with the client’s team on:

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  • Setting up a proper DMARC policy to protect their domains against unauthorized use and phishing scams.
  • Enhancing email deliverability as well as security, so that each email sent from these domains can be properly authenticated and more likely to land in the right inbox.
  • As a result, the client can protect the reputation of their business and domains, while safely sending out their email campaigns. 

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Integrity and transparency are part of their core values, so when their team ran into sending issues, they were referred to Senders.

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  • The client is now able to obtain detailed reports to diagnose the exact causes of the failures and prevent them in the future with proper DMARC setup
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